Strengths, Optimistically
Some people’s strengths stem from their relationship with their parents. The way no obstacles feel hard enough once they remember to buy that Mecca ticket for their mum and dad. Some people’s strengths stem from their future dreams with their partners. The way no words sound harsh enough when they remember the laughter they can share once they’re wrapped inside their lover’s embrace. Some people’s strengths rely on their strong belief in themselves, which basically is (I assume) a recap of their countless relationships with many people, even the insignificant ones. With the online driver who tells them they look great or teachers who say they will be somebody.
From what I observe, everything is rarely about ourselves. Every will, dream, and hope stems from our love for others or other’s love for us. This may be why this world survives amidst every chaos and downs. Love conquers all.
However, sometimes, the spotlight is not sitting in the right place. Sometimes, I focus more on the love that feels lacking in my life- those I don’t have yet or will never have. For too long, I believe that everything I have and aspire to is something out of panic, guilt, and chaotic emotions. Why do I forget to move the spotlight into the softer spot?
I have enormous strengths in this lifeline, and they are made out of these;
It is my mom’s laughter when I do something silly. It is her soft voice that calms me every time life gives me lemons. It is her favorite makeup and something I would like to grab someday. It is her massive part of my life that makes me thrive.
It is the way my friends come over and make noises in my room. The way they teach me how to do this and that. The way they teach me that to be known is to be loved. The way we shared dreams to make this friendship eternal. It is their sincere hearts that make my life even more vibrant.
It is God’s love that wrapped me relentlessly. Tender and firm all along. It is letting me sway and fly and live and truly live.